Biophilic Interiors - Reconnecting with Nature through Architecture and Designs

Biophilic Interiors - Reconnecting with Nature through Architecture and Designs
Biophilic Interior Design is a rapidly growing interior design trend in recent years. It is all about creating a connection with nature in man-made environments.
What is Biophilia?
The Greek term biophilia refers to “love of life or living things”. The biophilic interior is all about incorporating the natural environment into modern fit-outs.
Biophilic interior design involves bringing the characteristics of nature like water, natural lights, greeneries, and the elements like stones and woods. The use of all these nature's products in interior design positively impacts the health and well-being of humans because nature is a necessity for human survival. In biophilic architecture, interior designers use human-centered approaches considering the mental, physical and emotional needs of the people.
Why Biophilic Interior Designing?
Nowadays people are becoming more and more aware of the health issues that are created due to the lifestyle that they adopt. People are not able to spend more time with nature. The inability to truly not connecting with nature has provoked the feelings of isolation and restlessness in people causing problems like anxiety, depression, and so on. Therefore, when we interior designers considered this, the concept of biophilic design came into the play.
When all sorts of natural elements are added up in the space one stays in, it positively affects people’s mindset and makes them happy and more pleasant. Humans always have an innate need to be connected with nature and the natural environment. Biophilic designs help in fulfilling this need. Therefore, we fit-out contractors to try introducing the biopic interiors in our works. As an end result, we get happy clients. Now, you can create feelings of closeness to nature in much more cost-effective ways.
Biophilic Interior Designing in architecture is increasingly gaining popularity now because of the benefits it provides to humans in various ways. Spaces that are designed with biophilia in architecture will have good natural lighting, ventilation, and all possible elements of nature that make them unique and more beautiful. It also helps in regulating the temperature of the buildings. You spend a large amount of time at work and therefore, ensure that the particular space makes you feel happy and comfortable.
Benefits of Biophilic Interior Designing
Spreads Positivity
The natural biophilic elements like greeneries and natural lighting increase positivity and drives a good mood in people. It makes people happier and also feel fresh all the time. Therefore this paves the way for a happy environment in the space where biophilia is done which leads to an increase in positivity. This drives a positive mood in people.
Improves Physical and Mental Well being
Nature has the power to nurture your soul. It can soothe all your emotions and thoughts. Biophilia helps you in improving both your physical and mental well-being because of the presence of natural elements. Also, people always have the desire for comfort and would love species with more greeneries and natural elements. This makes you feel happy and relaxed which helps in improving your physical and mental well-being.
Relieves Stress
It is a well-known fact that spending time with nature makes people beneficial in improving their mental health and emotional well-being which greatly influences the reduction of stress. Hence, when biophilic interiors are made this helps in reducing stress in people and develops a happy quotient. Reducing stress strongly helps in decreasing depression levels in people. In this generation, people are more prone to depression. When there is a possibility of stress reduction it automatically reduces the chances of suffering depression and other mental issues.
Reduces Anxiety
Spending time with nature helps humans to be beneficial in having cognitive benefits like having improved brain function, and increased thinking and reasoning abilities without the problem of being anxious because of the presence of natural elements around you. This connection with nature makes humans deal with mental health problems like anxiety and depression.
Improves Productivity
When it comes to a happy workplace, natural lighting, fresh air, and the space to stretch yourself plays a vital role. The time when Biophilic design is introduced in architecture, all these elements make you feel fresh and alive. This tends to increase productivity in people to a greater extent.
Improves Creativity
Greenery and natural lights play a major part in the biophilic design concept. They help in increasing focus and attention span. The elements of nature significantly increase the creativity in people as it boosts their happy mood in people.
Improves Air Quality
Air quality is one of the most important aspects of one’s lifestyle. Poor air quality leads to bad health consequences starting from a reduction in productivity to problems related to respiratory illnesses. Therefore when biophilic interiors are chosen, incorporating the natural elements, especially like wood and plants paves the way for better air quality.
Reconnects you with Nature
Biophilic Interior Designs help you to have a stronger bonding with nature as there are all sorts of natural elements that are added to your space. This recent trend of biophilic interior designing is known to reduce the environmental impacts of the built environment. Biophilia benefits you in building more connections with nature.
Sharpens the Senses
As humans, we all are prone to feeling different senses all the time. Having contact with nature helps one in achieving the high sensation of all feelings as nature has the ability to sharpen the senses.
Biophilic Interior Designs to Save you Money!
When you rely on natural lights in biophilia it helps in reducing the need for artificial lights. This not only reduces the electricity needs but also helps in maintaining the good vision of people because of the natural lighting.
Natural elements like wood and plants are known to control and maintain humidity. Therefore this helps in saving the air conditioning costs along with the benefit of giving nature’s freshness to people.
These biophilic interiors are said to be great at reducing absenteeism, enhancing employee retention, and also in creating a better working environment. Making your workspace attractive with full of natural elements like greeneries, water, natural lights, wood, and stones would encourage the employee’s maximum productivity and creativity.
And more than all these reductions in the need for paid resources, it is an undeniable fact that biophilic interior designing benefits people both in mental and physical health and makes you lead a happier and a healthy lifestyle. Companies around the world are seeing such benefits after incorporating the biophilic interior design. Decor companies in Abu Dhabi and Dubai are focusing more on the concept of biophilic interiors.
So what do you wait for! Immediately reap all these benefits by adding some biophilic elements to your fit-out.
Get in touch with us now to experience greenery in the urban setting!
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